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Camping Marino
Our Excursions

NICE - Nowadays it is the well-known city of Provence.

Nice... "Nowadays it is the well-known city of Provence, but originally it was one of the most beautiful Ligurian town". Those are the words ligurian people use to talk about Nice, wonderful town with a very troubled history, in fact the latest Italian attempt to reconquer it was during the Second World War.One of the reasons of this attack depends on that Nice native people have a lot of features in common with the Ligurian population. For example the Nizzardo,their dialect is very similar to our and the origin,as you can see by the family names leafing through the pages of the phone book,are italian.

At the Promenade Des Anglais and the beautiful Place Massena there are statues of Jaune Plensa, important exaples of modern art are known by everyone.

If you go to Nice, it is very interesting to visit the Saint- Nicolas russian church that was built in the 1912 to offer the the Russian tourists the opportunity to profess their faith during their holiday. A curiousity is the Louis Nucera library with its facade representing a stylized human face.

Genoa and the Aquarium - Discovering the wonderful city of Genoa

Genoa is our main town. It is situated in a wonderful bay just in the middle of the coast. The culinary tradition is famous all around the world, but after the 2004 when it was named the European cultural city Genoa has been known as important cultural centre too.

Piazza de Ferrari is the focus in the city, and it links the eastern part of it with the western.An historycal monument is the Stock Exchange Building that was the first built in Italy. This depends on the fact that Genoa was one of the most rich city of Italy during its sea republic period. From Piazza de Ferrari, along Saint Lawrence street you can find the peculiar "San Lorenzo" cathedral,very famous for its external decorations and its front view with characteristic black and white bands.

Everybody knows the Genoa's Acquarium which offers to its guests a wonderful experience in the deep sea world,in contac with the funny dolfins(butterfly strokes) and the ferocious sharks.Before ending the visit of Genoa people must take a ride on Bingo, a glass lift which gives you the opportunity to have a breathtaking view all around the town.

MENTON...The gold fruit

Already known on the XIX century as the "Frech pearl"Menton is a fascinating small town just on the french-italian border.Thanks to its mild subtropical weather Menton is well known for an extension of more than 46 hectares of exotic gardens and for the lemmons and cytrus fruit cultivation.
One special mention to the folkloristic "lemmon parade"that is organized every winter during the carnival days from the mentonian people,for about 10 days all those cart,dressed by lemmons and oranges,some of them even 80 meters high,are taken for a parade on the sea promenade.
The meaning of this fest is because the legend sais that when Eve and Adam were send away from heaven,she stole a gold fruit and decided to plant it where she choosed to live that reminded Eden to her and the place is now Menton.

TOIRANO CAVES - The mysterious caves.

Along the road which brings to Toirano village,in its wonderful valley you can visit the Toirano caves . They were created by the erosion of old underground rivers which had modelled rocks in a singular and fascinating way. The 2 most important parts are called: Colombo cave and Witch cave.
The first one is about 500m wide while the second is even bigger and you can observe in it bones of the ancien Ursus Spelaeus, footprints and typical rudimental drawings realized on the walls of the cave for religous rituals.

EZE VILLAGE AND FRAGONARD - The perfume factory

Between the suggestive Beausoleil and Beaulieu we can visit the medieval village of Eze. Situated on a cliff of 500m hight, the village give us the possibilty to have a breathtaking view of the french bay and to make a journey to discover the provencal history. We are sure about the ancien origin of Eze village conquered by Greeks, Romans, Saracens but surely its origins are even older. Lots of objects found by historician and archeolgists testify that this place was already inhabited during the Bronze Age.

This village became famous for what concerne the coltivation of citrus and carnations,but today the economy is based on the tourism and on the parfumes . Famous is also the Notre Dame Church and the exotic garden where rare cactis grow up. The perfume factory is surely the most important place where a tourist has to go, not only to learn the different necessary acts to create a good perfume but also to visit the very interesting museum of the history of perfumes.

OLIO CARLI MUSEUM - Our olive oil - Discovering Ligurian flavours

There are more than 500 types but one of the best,the "taggiasca"olive is cultivated in our land by Taggia,where it picks up the name from.Our countryside with its specular appearence made by terraces all over the hills is exactly what the olive trees need for their cultivation and that's why the olive oil,after the turism,and with the flowers cultivations,is one of the most important economic activity of Imperia Province.Camping Edy is plonged directly inside an olive grove.

Camping Marino and Camping Edy to their guests who wish to discover the old tradition of the olive press,reason of which the local people is almost proud about,can take them for a trip in the countryside with their minibus.It is a fascinating trip and we suggest our guests to visit the "Olio Carli Museum"that is a real testimony of the ancient ligurian tradition.The Olio Carli Factory,who has created it is the local Business at international level.


If you like to do sport in contact with the nature, our region is perfect to have this combination. Mountain-bike, Motocross, freeride are only 3 of many sports that can be practised,you can also do canyoning and rafting.

Beautiful and fun trails in the nature characterize our region. No coincidence that many tourists participate at many excursions in the famous "Ciapà" Park or they climb Evigno Mountain trekking, riding a horse,by motos or by mountain bike that is the most specialised sport of our province, in fact every year a lot of important competions are organized such as Lucus Bormani or Terre Blu. Our single tracks are unforgivable, but for those who simply want to enjoy themselves by biclycle,there is the ride along San Lorenzo promenade. Where the old railroad once ran, today there's a wonderful path 24 km long in close contact to the sea that links San Lorenzo al mare to Sanremo where a family can spend a day riding bikes and laying to rest in a quite area far from the busy roads to discover all the villages and towns of this coast.

From Camping Edy and Camping Marino, on request, our mini-bus will bring the most willing to the beginning of this extraordinary walk. Reached the destination, once that everyone has rented its bicycles at an agreement-point, everyone can start its tour discovering the Riviera and in the evening the minibus will pick them up.
For the more adventurous, on request, a crew will guide you to explore our hinterland riding a mountain bike.Of course choosing the appropriate paths to your abilities.

Diano Castello

Castrum Diani, or Diano Castello, was founded in the 10th century as a place of defence against continuous Saracen incursions, and is a small village that offers a breathtaking view of the entire Gulf of Diano. Despite the fact that the earthquake of 1887 considerably damaged its historic centre, today it is still possible to visit:

- the beautiful parish church of 'Santo Niccolò di Bari', in Baroque style, with its precious wooden crucifix by Anton Maria Maragliano;
- the 16th-century Franciscan Monastery, in whose church is preserved the altarpiece depicting 'San Pietro d'Alcantara' by Giovanni Battista Carlone;
- Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli;
- Church of 'San Giovanni Battista'. In Romanesque style, characterised by its typical longitudinal plan with a single room.
For those who love to immerse themselves in history and tradition, the Historical Procession is organised every year by the small municipality.


This village defined as one of the most beautiful in Italy owes its birth to the great Romans. It is fascinating to walk along the narrow streets of the village: a visit should start from the 'Gramsci' climb. Then you come to Palazzo Morchio, now the Town Hall. Imposing and majestic is the Baroque Church of St John the Baptist known as the Church of the Corallini because it was built mainly with money from coral fishing companies. Indeed, from 1571 onwards, the economy of the population began to be based almost entirely on fishing and olive growing. For those who love nature and sports, the Ciapà Park opens up behind it, where it is possible to walk, mountain-bike, and motocross along beautiful paths overlooking the sea.


Pigna is today the capital of the Val Nervia, one of the most beautiful valleys in western Liguria. It is a very ancient village, the last finds date back to prehistoric times, but it was mainly between the 12th and 13th centuries that it developed most.
It is precisely to this period that the construction of the imposing castle and the adjacent bridge, which served to connect the coast with the hinterland, dates back.
Art lovers should definitely visit:
- Church of San Michele Arcangelo;
- Church of San Tommaso;
- Chapel of San Bernardo;
- Museum of Peasant Art.
PThose who want to relax can spend entire days at the modern SPA in Pigna, a wellness centre built in the locality of Lago Pigo where a sulphurous water spring was found.


Triora is one of the oldest villages in the Argentina Valley. Triora is known today as the village of the witches because it was in this village that their persecution was particularly active.
The history, myths and legends of all the vicissitudes that the women of Triora had to endure because they were judged to be the cause of famine have been collected in the Regional Ethnographic Museum of Witchcraft.
During World War II, Triora was set on fire and entire neighbourhoods were razed to the ground, causing a sudden depopulation.
Evidence of the various historical vicissitudes are:
- The Collegiara, which houses the oldest work of art in western Liguria: The Baptism of Christ of 1397;
- the Church of Sant'Agostino;
- the Church of San Bernardino.


In addition to the legends and stories that the elderly still remember in Dolceacqua, as evidence of a dark period in the Middle Ages, there remains the imposing castle and its fascinating bridge, which even the great French painter Monet was fascinated by. The artist was so enraptured by the village and its bridge that he decided to paint it during his stay in 1884.

But for art lovers, a visit to the Pinacoteca Morscio, only founded in 1970, is certainly interesting. Today Dolceacqua lives mainly on tourism, but also on the cultivation of the Rossese grape.


The history of this village changed following the earthquakes of 1831, 1851 and 1854: most of the population began to abandon the village and those that remained began to reinforce the existing buildings The carruggi of Bussana Vecchia are so special that there are no similar ones in any other village in Liguria.
With the earthquake of 23 February 1887, Bussana was almost completely razed to the ground: many deaths, injuries and damage were counted. For this reason, the frightened villagers decided to abandon the village and so Bussana Nuova was founded in 1889.

It was not until the 1940s that a new interest in Old Bussana emerged: it was Italians from southern Italy who, as immigrants, found refuge in the abandoned houses, but also great artists, especially French artists, who opened their ateliers in the charming 19th-century streets of the village. Also of interest is the old church of Sant'Egidio whose bell tower miraculously escaped the earthquake and is seen by the inhabitants of Bussana Vecchia as the symbol of the village.

Imperia Oneglia – Imperia Porto Maurizio.

Imperia is the provincial capital of western Liguria. A very young city that was born in 1923 from the union of Oneglia and Porto Murizio plus other smaller municipalities.
Oneglia has distinguished itself for its industrial activities, especially in the food industry for the production of pasta, while the second city has distinguished itself for its fishing activities and greater interest in tourism.
The inhabitants of the two different locations have always been in conflict, probably because despite their proximity they have lived two completely different histories. In fact, we find: two civic palaces, two main churches, two ports, two stations and even three patron saints: San Maurizio for Porto, San Giovanni for Oneglia and San Leonardo for Imperia. It is precisely on the occasion of these three saints that fairs, festivals, shows and fireworks are organised.
Not to be missed: the caruggi (narrow streets) of Porto Maurizio, the panorama of the Parasio, a visit to the Duomo and then the Marina and Prino promenade full of clubs and pubs. In Oneglia: the Church of San Giovanni, the Fratelli Carli Olive Museum, the porticoes of Via Bonfante and Calata Cuneo with its small fish restaurants and Ligurian cuisine.


The origins of the city appear to be very ancient; finds dating back to the Palaeolithic period have been made in the area of San Remo. However, it was mainly during Roman times that the city became a particularly significant settlement. After continuous raids by the Saracens, the city was re-founded in another area, that of San Siro and La Pigna, surrounded by walls and defended by a castle.
In 1814 it was annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia. Sanremo began to change. In particular, the tourism sector began to develop, thanks above all to the very mild climate even in winter.
The first to choose Sanremo was Tsarina Maria Aleksandrovna and with her choice she opened the doors to Russian elite tourism; Princess Sissi was also a famous guest in Sanremo.
The people of Sanremo soon began to dedicate themselves to floriculture: a great manifestation of this activity is the famous Corso Fiorito, which attracts hundreds of tourists every year. Also very popular are the Sanremo Casino, the golf course, and the Ariston Theatre where the well-known Italian Song Festival is celebrated every year.


The last Italian city before France is divided into two parts by the Roya river: a medieval one rising on a hill (Ventimiglia Alta) and a modern one, built from the 19th century onwards (Ventimiglia bassa).
Renowned for its climate, its sea and its beaches, it hosts internationally renowned events such as the Battle of the Flowers, the Medieval August, the grandiose Friday market and the Miss Italy finals selections.

For culture and history enthusiasts, the historic centre offers a visit:
- the Cathedral of "Assunta" e and baptistery. Probabilmente eretta sulle rovine di una precedente cattedrale dell'epoca carolingia costruita a sua volte sul Tempio dedicato a Giunone. L'iscirizione che testimonia la costruzione p ancora oggi conservata;
- Cathedral Baptistery dedicated to San giovanni Battista;
- Church of San Michele Arcangelo
Don't miss the Hanbury Gardens, the botanical gardens of the villa of Thomas Hanbury, a great tea merchant who decided to spend his holidays in this enchanted place. Very interesting is the Balzi Rossi museum, a rock face with a series of caves where various Palaeolithic artefacts, animal remains and human remains of Cro-Magnon man have been found.


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